Urgent Home Visits for Unwell Housebound Patients

If you need an urgent visit at home because you are very unwell and you are not able to leave the house with the help of 1 other person and a car, and you do not think you are so unwell as to need an ambulance you can call our Community Treatment Team:

Tel: 0300 300 1660

The service runs daily, from 8am to 10pm, and consists of doctors, nurses, health care assistants, occupational therapists, social workers and physiotherapists who work with primary care, community services and healthcare partners at Queen’s and King George’s Hospitals so that people can receive medical, nursing and therapy interventions in their own homes wherever possible, without need for hospital admission.

Contact our doctors online

Fill out a simple online form to get advice and treatment – We aim to respond within 2 working days, please bear with us if it takes a little longer. Please ignore the automated email response.